Inge Lehmann’s 127th Birthday
- Libraries, Books, Writers, & Suchlike
- Study: Good School Libraries Affect Test Scores
- Lost for words? How reading can teach children empathy
- May 13, 1907: Daphne Du Maurier, author of Rebecca, is born
- Net & Tech
- Worker fired for disabling GPS app that tracked her 24 hours a day
- Privacy group yanks support of Patriot Act fix
- Software detects fake mobile, Wi-Fi networks
- Verizon Wireless, Sprint announce $158 million settlement for bogus charges
- Health & Science
- Education
- Authority Issues
- Utah has a serious drug problem - at least, law enforcement does: “I’ll never ask for another pain pill again”: ℞ database damage in Utah Related: The big drug database in the sky: One firefighter’s year-long legal nightmare "As in 48 other states and the District of Columbia—Missouri being the only exception—Utah collects prescription drug information in a statewide electronic database so that healthcare providers can track what medications their patients use and ensure that they aren’t doctor shopping. However, unlike in many of the other states, Utah doesn’t require warrants before investigators can access this information. According to court documents, the search merely needs to be linked somehow to an open investigation within the officer's jurisdiction."
- Court case shows how health insurers rip off you and your employer
- Cops must now get a warrant to use stingrays in Washington state
- US cited for police violence, racism in scathing UN review on human rights "The United States was slammed over its rights record Monday at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, with member nations criticizing the country for police violence and racial discrimination, the Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility and the continued use of the death penalty. The issue of racism and police brutality dominated the discussion on Monday during the country’s second universal periodic review (UPR). Country after country recommended that the U.S. strengthen legislation and expand training to eliminate racism and excessive use of force by law enforcement." This isn't really the international reputation we want, is it?
- Louisiana
- Louisiana: Burning Science at the Stake
- Louisiana leads nation in per-student funding cuts: report This is not how we should be leading the nation, guys.
- Other (Serious Stuff)
- US taxpayers subsidising world's biggest fossil fuel companies
- What Nike, Obama and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Have in Common
- O.C. man accused of selling bogus In-N-Out franchises in Middle East
- Other (Awesome Stuff)
- Bright Club: Computability Making math fun! :D
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